Company details
Tenderflame BV
KVK: 88520285
VAT: NL864665362B01
Frequently Asked Questions
If your question is not answered, please contact our customer service. They will be happy to help you!
How do I light a Tenderflame?
Fill the Tenderflame with Tenderfuel and make sure that the liquid is also poured over the wick, so that it absorbs the Tenderfuel properly.
Then light the fuse with a Tenderflame lighter or other powerful lighter.
Because Tenderfuel only starts to burn at 104 degrees Celsius (in combination with the wick), lighting may take a few seconds.
What if I don't like my order?
Not satisfied with your purchase? Then you get your money back!
Please read all terms and conditions in our returns policy .
Why is my Tenderflame sputtering?
If it has been a while since the Tenderflame was used and there is still Tenderfuel in it, the table fireplace may show a kind of sputtering/popping sound.
This is caused by ambient moisture that the Tenderfuel pulls from the air. When this moisture is heated, the small droplets burst and steam is released. Fortunately, this is not harmful.
There are two ways to prevent this:
- Let the Tenderfuel burn completely when burning the table fireplace. That way there is no Tenderfuel present that can pull the moisture out of the air.
- Refresh the Tenderflame with new Tenderfuel. It is important that the wick is also doused with the fuel.
If the problem is not resolved, please contact our customer service!