My Tenderflame is sputtering or sputtering! What should I do?

Tenderflame spettert of sputtert

If your Tenderflame table fireplace has not been used for a while and there is still Tenderfuel in the burner, you may hear a spluttering or splashing sound when you relight the fireplace, and the flame may burn less beautifully. This phenomenon can be a bit disturbing, but fortunately it is harmless. Let us explain exactly what happens and how you can prevent this.

Cause of sputtering and splashing

The sputtering and splashing of your Tenderflame is caused by ambient moisture that is absorbed from the air by the Tenderfuel. When the Tenderfuel is left standing for a while, it can attract moisture from the air. When you light the fireplace and the fuel is heated, the small water droplets in the fuel cause steam to be released. This process causes the droplets to burst, which causes the sputtering and splashing sound and makes the flame less stable.

Why is this harmless?

The sound you hear and the less beautiful flame are simply the result of water vapour being released from the fuel. This does not affect the safety or functioning of your Tenderflame table fireplace. The fuel itself burns safely and efficiently, even if there is some moisture in it. However, it can disrupt the aesthetics and the atmosphere you want to create.

How do you prevent this problem?

There are two effective ways to prevent your Tenderflame table fireplace from sputtering, splashing and burning less beautifully:

  1. Allow the Tenderfuel to burn completely

    When using your Tenderflame, it is a good idea to let the fuel burn down completely. This ensures that there is no residual Tenderfuel left in the fireplace that can attract moisture from the air. Burning down the fuel completely prevents the problem of sputtering the next time you use it and ensures a nice, steady flame.

  2. Refresh the Tenderfuel regularly

    If there is still Tenderfuel in the fireplace between uses, you can refresh the fuel before lighting the fireplace again. Pour out the old fuel and fill the fireplace with fresh Tenderfuel. Don't forget to pour new fuel over the wick as well. This ensures that there is no old fuel with possibly absorbed moisture left in the fireplace, so that the fireplace burns beautifully and stably again.

What to do if the problem persists?

If, despite these measures, you are still bothered by sputtering and splashing sounds and a less beautiful flame with your Tenderflame table fireplace, please contact our customer service . We are happy to help you to ensure that you can optimally enjoy your atmospheric fireplace without unwanted noises and with a beautiful flame.

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Hoe steek je een Tenderflame aan?